A phone scanning QR codes.

Are You Using QR Codes Enough? [Checklist]

In 2021, Bilibili, a popular Chinese video streaming company, ran a viral campaign to celebrate a game’s anniversary. The brand created scannable QR codes on the sky. The QR codes, when scanned, redirect people to the game download page.

This marketing strategy not only resulted in game downloads and installations. But it also went viral worldwide, raising brand awareness. Even after the event had ended, the press and audience on social media were still talking about it. It also inspired businesses to adopt and build QR code marketing strategies to market their products and services.

As a business owner, you may use QR codes for various purposes. They can help you expand your options for engaging your target audience and providing a new digital dimension to your campaign. This post will go through how to use QR codes to grow your business.

What is a QR Code?

QR code is an abbreviation of a quick response code. It’s a type of barcode that digital devices can read. You scan it with a camera and instantly have access to stored data. It may contain various types of information, including phone numbers, account information, website URLs, and even discounts.

QR codes are most commonly found in printed media such as magazines and newspapers, product packaging, business cards, websites, and storefronts. They are a quick, easy, and effective way to deliver information to your clients and customers.

How Do QR Codes Work?

QR codes come in two main types: dynamic and static. It’s crucial to understand the difference between them to get the most out of your QR code marketing strategy. So, consider these two aspects

  • Editing and sharing: A dynamic QR code is easy to update, edit, and change. Static QR codes, however, cannot be modified. Also, you can share the dynamic QR code only once. In contrast to the static QR code, you must create a new one and reshare it every time you want to edit, fix, or update it.

Assume you run a restaurant and have created a QR code. You have printed that code on posters, stuck it on tables and windows, or given it to guests. When scanning QR codes, you realized an essential item was missing. 

If your QR code is static, you will have to create a new one, print it, and share it. But, if it is a dynamic QR code, all you need to do is update the data from your computer, and the QR code will send users to the page with the correct details.

  • Data gathering: It is impossible with a static QR code. Dynamic QR codes, however, allow you to collect data such as device details and where and when clients scanned the QR codes. That might help you better understand your target audience and plan marketing efforts such as giving discounts on new items.

Dynamic QR Codes are generally the preferred option. They are continually editable, trackable, and adaptable, making them more flexible than static QR codes. 

So, let’s learn how you may use QR codes to promote your business.

5 Ways to Use QR Codes to Grow Your Business?

1. Feedback collection

QR codes are a great way to collect real-time client feedback. It speeds up the process of sharing feedback. Consumers will be encouraged to provide feedback since it is easy and quick. There is no logging into a website or creating an account. Just scanning.

To collect feedback by QR code, you have three steps to follow: 

  • Create a QR code feedback form that includes the questions you want your consumers to answer.
  • Display feedback QR codes in strategic places to boost response rates. Print the QR code on the packaging, receipts, brochures, attendance bracelets, etc.
  • Encourage consumers to provide feedback by scanning the QR codes.

At each step, you can think of a creative technique to improve your feedback collection strategy. Cactus Club Cafe, for instance, has simply asked customers to submit feedback by providing them with a receipt that includes their feedback QR code.

A receipt includes feedback QR code

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Scanning QR codes for review collection satisfies both customers and companies. Customers may offer feedback in seconds, and businesses can analyze it in real time.

2. Location Finding

Creating a QR code that allows users to easily locate your store, hotel, or restaurant might drastically grow your business. It saves your consumers from having to manually type and search for your location in the Google Maps or Waze apps.

Location QR codes are QR codes that integrate online map data. When scanned, it takes consumers to the exact location of your business. It also tells users which road to take based on their current location.

To create a location QR code, all you have to do is copy your location’s URL from Google Maps or Waze Live Maps and paste it into your QR code generator. 

Then you may begin implementing it into your campaign materials. You can display this QR code on your online channels, such as your social media profiles and website. And you may also use it in your printed materials such as posters, brochures, billboards, and invites.

3. Social Media Visibility

You may create a Social Media QR Code to promote your social media profiles in any print media. You may create a QR code for each social profile or a landing page that includes all of your social media profiles.

To promote it, simply paste it on your store, at events, on product packaging, or on a business card. For example, if you own a restaurant, you may place table tent cards like the one seen in the image on your tables. Customers may scan the QR code and follow you as they wait for their order.

table tent card includes QR code

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These social media QR codes enable your brand to gain significant visibility, effectively engage users and develop stronger relationships with your target audience. It allows your customers to visit your pages without having to manually input your username, which improves the user experience.

4. Customer Acquisition

QR codes are an effective way to connect with customers at every stage of their buyer journey, from collecting data to pre-purchasing to completing the sale. 

QR codes can help businesses simplify their online client acquisition process. Especially when these codes direct users to a website that could be a reference when making buying decisions. Customers may register for services and log in later to engage with the service and make an action with only one scan.

You can use QR codes in various ways to connect with and acquire new customers. You can create codes to offer coupons, freebies, discounts, and rewards with the scan. Here’s an example of a QR code used to provide coupons to clients who register.

coupon QR code

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You may also use QR codes to expand your email list and prospect database. Simply link your QR codes to a mobile-friendly online form so that clients can easily submit their contact information and agree to future contact from your business. You may encourage users to give their data by offering free resources or a product trial.

5. Increase App Downloads

A QR code for app download can significantly increase the number of downloads. Customers rarely look for a company’s name on Google Play or the App Store to download an app. So, providing a smooth say, such as a QR code, can encourage users to download your app.

You may redirect users to the Google Play Store or Apple App Store using the download QR code. They can download your app by scanning just one QR code. Depending on the device scanners use, they will be redirected to the suitable store to install the app.

In 2019, Chick-fil-A increased mobile app downloads by 14% 2019 by displaying a QR code in their digital signage. The brand also used urgency and rewards to encourage users to scan the code. The following is a post from the Chick-fil-A Facebook page on the QR code offer.

Downlod app QR code

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So you may do the same and print the QR code to download the app in places where people will scan it. You can publish it in magazines, billboards, bus stops, and any place that appeals to your target audience.


QR codes are one approach that is gaining popularity. They are an effective way to reach out to more people and promote your brand online and offline. They are also cost-effective. Both Small and large businesses can use it to market their products or services.

By including a QR code on your marketing materials, you are giving your target audience a quick and easy way to learn more about your company. Especially when customers do not have the time or want to visit your website.

So, start incorporating QR codes into your marketing approach. And ensure you are using the proper method in the appropriate context to maximize its effectiveness.

Good luck!

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